Michael Keene, author and frequent guest speaker at many New York State historical societies and public libraries, has produced a unique online program based on his book, “Madhouse: The Hidden History of Insane Asylums in 19th century New York.”
Michaels online presentation chronicles the advent of the large psychiatric institutions that were established during the 1800s including Buffalo State Insane Asylum, the Monroe County Poorhouse, Willard Insane Asylum, New York State Asylum at Utica (Old Main), Binghamton Inebriate Asylum, Hudson River Insane Asylum and others!
The program will be told through the use of archival photographs, narration, and original music and will be available on YouTube Premier, Tuesday, December 1st at 11:00 am EST (10:00 am CST).

The program is free but registration is required.
In order to register visit: